
Russia: “Football Revolution”

It was a wild, sleepless night in Russia, following the national football team’s 3-1 win over the Netherlands and its advance to the Euro 2008 semi-finals. In the streets of Moscow, some 500,000 fans celebrated this unexpected victory – and similar euphoria engulfed most Russian cities as well.


LJ user vero4ka described (RUS) the scene in Moscow on the night of June 21-22:


Moscow is naked, drunk, all covered in broken glass; figures “3″ and “1″ have been [snatched away] from all currency exchange displays […].


[Tverskaya St.] is cordoned off, girls are lying on car hoods and roofs, people are attacking empty garbage and dump trucks, getting inside, beating on them, screaming; all guys are naked, some of them have beautiful bodies; girls at the sidewalks take their t-shirts off and walk around topless; everyone is impossibly happy, carrying each other on the shoulders, kissing, running to hug with strangers and drivers of the cars passing by; nothing like this has ever happened before, traffic rules are gone to hell, a road hysteria has begun; everyone’s singing anthems, [Aleksandr Pushkin monument at Pushkin Sq.] is wearing a fan’s scarf, a whole bunch of folks with flags is on [Vladimir Mayakovsky monument at Triumphalnaya Sq.]; if we, God forbid, win this [championship], there’ll be a revolution – people will just flood into Kremlin, carry out the tiny, drunk [president Dmitry Medvedev], and carry in someone else, all in a totally casual manner; in the morning we’ll wake up in a different country.

特維斯卡亞街(Tverskaya St.) 被群眾包圍,女子躺在車蓋或車頂上,人群攻擊空的垃圾車,爬進去,敲打車廂並高聲尖叫;所有男子打著赤膊,其中一部分人體格健美;人行道上的女子脫去她們 的T-shirt,袒胸四處走動;大家都極度歡樂,將彼此舉在肩上,相互輕吻,跑去擁抱陌生人及路過的駕駛。以前從來沒發生過這樣的事,交通規則被拋在腦 後,路上眾人情緒激動萬分。大家唱著歌,普希金廣場(Pushkin Sq.)上的普希金(Aleksandr Pushkin)紀念像穿戴著球迷圍巾,群眾在勝利廣場(Triumphalnaya Sq.)的馬雅可夫斯基(Vladimir Mayakovsky)像之上揮舞旗子。上帝保佑,如果最後我們贏得冠軍,那將會有一場革命--眾人將湧向克里姆林宮,恣意拉出嬌小酒醉的梅德維傑夫(Dmitry Medvedev),以另一個人取而代之,當早上我們醒來,將發現這已是不同的國家。

What else are we capable of celebrating so universally? The New Year’s? May Day? I’m 22, and this is the first time I see my own people going nuts from delight; not a single person standing aside, not even street cleaners and [migrant workers]; hard to believe this is my city, feels like someone is shooting a movie. […]


LJ user maximkalinov posted photos of the celebration in the Russian city of Tver; the title of his post (RUS) is “Football Revolution.”


LJ user mnog spent the night photographing fans in downtown Moscow. The result is this post with over a hundred photos – and over a hundred comments (RUS) to it, some of which are translated below:


Damn, there are churki [a derogatory term for non-Slavs] on every second picture! What a [horror] taking place in Moscow. And so many churki when it’s a Russian team that’s won. What’s gonna happen in the streets if they will be celebrating something of their own?! It’s gonna be total [mess] […]. Moscow is no longer Russian … and this is Russia’s capital. […]


There are plenty of ethnic groups in any megapolis. With views like these, you should live in a village.



And after something like this they dare ban gay pride parades?



You’re a courageous person, I wouldn’t risk going out and taking pictures.



There were loads of cool chicks, by the way )))))

順便一提,那裡好多正妹 )))))

In the morning, LJ user kotjus_sova took a few pictures of the aftermath of the celebrations and posted them in the moya_moskva (My Moscow) LJ community: 10:30 AM on Sunday, Shipilovskaya St. in Moscow, lots of broken beer bottle glass.


One reader asked (RUS): “What happened? A beer truck accident?”



推 dxball:俄羅斯都全裸了是怎樣 XD                                  06/22 04:17
→ jerey:可能覺得熱吧 畢竟俄羅斯很冷                               06/22 04:18
推 emmawanga:一堆裸體                                              06/22 04:18
推 brains200011:對他們來說28度應該是來到沙漠了吧...............    06/22 04:18
推 dollylai2002:他們是太熱嗎XD                                     06/22 04:18
推 lucien0410:我想看女球迷也不穿                                   06/22 04:18
→ warrenyen:我比較想聽到 俄羅斯妹怎麼都不穿衣                     06/22 04:18
→ jerey:我之前俄羅斯室友寒流來都馬裸身在陽台作日光浴              06/22 04:18
→ neoggyy:...這是什麼天體營辦神秘儀式嗎?                          06/22 04:20
推 Rasheed:好多裸體啊~~~~ 可是都是男的~XD                          06/22 04:21
推 emmawanga:好多裸體啊~~~~一整個詭異                              06/22 04:21
→ Rasheed:好多啤酒肚在抖啊                                        06/22 05:03
→ heavygauge:機車耶 一堆裸男跳來跳去的                            06/22 05:03

